Accordion Group

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  • What is GAFAC?

    The Graduate Activity Fee Allocation Committee (GAFAC) consists of one graduate student representative (and one alternate) from each of the schools and colleges at the University of Miami (excluding Law, Medical, and Rosenstiel Schools). The GAFAC committee oversees the distribution of the unallocated portion of the Graduate Activity Fee to individuals and groups of students throughout the school year.

  • Who can apply?

    Any graduate student at the University of Miami who has paid the Graduate Activity Fee for all enrolled semesters, current and previous, may apply for GAFAC funding (except for Law, Medical, and Rosenstiel School students). Students may apply for funding only once during the same academic year. Part-time students (taking less than 9 credit hours per semester) or Doctoral students taking only dissertation credits who wish to apply for GAFAC funding must request to be charged the Graduate Activity Fee when enrolling since the fee will not automatically appear.

  • Where does the money come from?

    GAFAC is funded by the Graduate Activity Fee. This is why only students who have paid the Graduate Activity Fee for all enrolled semesters may apply.

  • What if I haven't paid the Graduate Activity Fee for all enrolled semesters?

    You may still apply as long as you go to Canes Central (Long and Smith Student Services Building) and request to pay the fee for all enrolled semesters. You should pay any fees at least one week before submitting an application.

  • What kinds of things does GAFAC fund?

    There are eight categories under which a student can request funding: (students may apply under only one category at a time.)

    1. Conferences - whether the applicant is presenting at a conference, organizing, or attending a conference
    2. Workshops - Participation in workshops and courses shall be fundable if:
      • A sufficiently similar course is not offered at the University of Miami.
      • The student provides documentation from their advisor to show the importance of the event for their professional or academic development.
      • The course is not a class in another University that involves payment of tuition.
    3. The purchase of reusable equipment.
    4. Field research and filmmaking
    5. Events
    6. Performances - whether the applicant is performing, having a work performed, attending or staging a performance
    7. Exhibition - whether the applicant is exhibiting work, curating or attending an exhibition
    8. Publication (not including publication of a thesis of dissertation)

  • How much funding is available?

    Each of the funding categories has a cap of $500. However, since GAFAC budget is limited, it is possible that funds may be depleted before the end of the academic year, therefore making it impossible to grant any more requests.

  • What is the rationale behind funding decisions?

    GAFAC is primarily interested in ensuring that the funds it allocates to graduate students have the greatest possible effect on the graduate student community. Therefore, applicants will be required to respond to several questions in the online application and during their presentation to the committee. These questions include, but are not limited to:

    • How will you personally benefit from these funds?
    • How will your fellow students within your school or department benefit?
    • How will the University as a whole benefit?

    The answers to these and other questions will allow GAFAC members to evaluate the merit of each request and make a decision. Because funds are limited, monies are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • What is the application process?

    Students must submit an online GAFAC application that can be found at www.miami.edu/gafac. After submitting the application, it will be reviewed to determine if all requirements have been met. Student(s) will then be invited to come before the GAFAC committee and present their request in person. The committee normally meets every other week during the academic year, except for the summer months.

  • How will I know what the committee decides?

    A notice will be sent via e-mail informing you of the committee's decision after the minutes have been approved by the committee and the Vice President for Student Affairs. Typically the process takes five to seven business days.

  • What happens during the summer?

    Since the committee does not meet during the summer semesters, summer applications will be heard in the spring (before the event) or fall (after the event). However, the application must be submitted online prior to the event.

  • Do I need to have applied to other sources for funding prior to seeking funds from GAFAC?

    GAFAC is the last resort for funding. Since we have limited funds, we do request that you ask for funding from your department, Kriloff (Arts & Sciences students only), and any other grants or funding sources available. Copies of written requests and/or denials for alternative funding must be submitted with the application.
